The tour 


We have arrived at The Penny Arcade!


More of the former factory.



The Penny Arcade, November, 2004.

This was the penny arcade in Tumbling Run, Pottsville, PA, postcard mailed 1906.  If anyone can produce pics from the inside, Jimmy would be very happy.  EMAIL ME. if you got some pics or know of some games that were inside.

Pardon the flash, as we get ready to enter the arcade.  This picture was taken in April, 2005.  Notice the lit up area in back.  The lights move in a pattern, like something you'd find at the entrance to a drive-in.


According to Jimmy, this hippo came out of a park in Philadelphia, vintage 50's or 60's vintage.  If anyone can help solve this mystery, PLEASE email me. The Hawaiian hippo says Jimmy has rules when you enter the arcade. The same rules by the way, go when you are going through Richmond, VA and stop by Pingeek's place.  I fire up the pins by appt. only, but don't do the Romper Room thing.  Been there, done that.  Some stories to tell there, wow.

As we enter the arcade, here's a better view of that sign I was talking about, added in April.

From left to right, Whoopee, a rare 60's Williams 4 player pin, Moulin Rouge, and a Gottlieb World's Fair.

A wider shot of the pins.

From left to right, Slick Chick, World Beauties, and Derby Day.

Before you check out the gun games, don't miss this rare Undersea Raider sub game.


Deluxe Jungle Gun, Texas Ranger, and Sky Gunner.

Another rare gun game.



Another view of the gun games.  Cool art, especially on the Jungle Gun cabinet.

Sky Gunner, which I refer to as the evil View Master.